“Science has nearly reached the limits of tangibility at both ends of the scale, first and last, large and small. Presently our physical instruments are looking out to the very edges of the tangible universe of light and inward to the limits of the particle’s apparent beginning in time and space—to a billionth of a billionth of a second, it is said. These two views are one View. Human views will give way soon to the Reality of things. The government of Godhead—not the government of man and his religion—will arrive palpably right here in man’s finite measure because It is here already in simple, timeless Truth, albeit not quite seen, recognized or confirmed yet. As the Lights of the world have said, the New Covenant is written in the hearts of men already. There IS to be a breakthrough and a breakout into childlikeness and simplicity. Beyond that, there is something for the Child of us to do in this world. This book is about that as well.”
The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science Religion and Metaphysics by William Samuel