Tender, childlike simplicity and honesty are the hallmarks of Reality’s Tranquillity --
You will find the nearly effortless practice of the tender precepts shared throughout William Samuel's work will open the door to a tangible, practical, down to earth bedrock, unfluctuating Tranquility such that nothing the world has to offer can prevail against it!

William Samuel (1924-1996)
William Samuel's work is based on Awareness and Self-discovery. The appreciation for his brilliant message continues to grow. The Light of Truth that shines through William's words remains ageless, simple, clear. The premise of his teaching is that there exists a gentle, direct experience of the Presence, Awareness, Self-Knowing Truth--and it is available to each of us. Through William's gift of communication, you will be shown the way back to your Self, your own heart, trusting your insights and revelations as you begin living the sweet gentle presence of genuine understanding. Mr. Samuel imparts, in everyday words, the same wisdom of the great enlighten ones. This website is dedicated to carefree, joyful, triumphant Child within each of us.
".....We are the Wisdom of Isness Now. We are the knowing of Mind Now. We
are the Life that God is NOW--and there is no wait. There is nothing that must be accomplished first. There is no laborious path to travel. There are no mysterious exercises to perform, no rituals to be observed, no daily lesson to be faithful to, no external authority to which we must be obedient before Identity is Identity, before God is God, before All is ALL--before Life IS, before awareness is aware, before I am.... " - William Samuel - Notes From Lollygog
Book review of: The Child Within Us Lives! 
Flabbergasted and Joyful
by David Bradley Swanson
September 29, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
"I really don't understand how Samuel's writing makes me feel like this. The first time I encountered him was through the 2+2=Reality pamphlet. I'm smiling with the memory of it. This feeling is so warm, fuzzy and bubbly and silly! Somehow it shines through. The Child Samuel speaks of is somehow alive between the lines of his writing. Much of it is good writing, although some of it is all over the place and even convoluted at times. But this doesn't matter at all. Samuel's writing unties all my knots. If I stick with it, the effect diminishes, and I have to admit this feeling is not really "on tap" for me. It's not something that is at my disposal. But go a couple months without looking at Samuel's writing, and come back to it, and there it is again! No other book of this type -- books for seekers -- have done this for me, at least not to this extent. And Samuel himself is aware of it, amazingly. Again and again he reminds the reader to read from the Heart, to squint at the words, to jiggle them around until you know their essence as your own. But again, how is it possible for someone to write this way? "
This Is It
“It is a moment of relief from the world’s heaviness. It is an instant of recognition, a weightless surveillance of the scene. It is a flawless moment that lets us say ‘Hey, this is a fine minute, I feel alright!’ That’s it. The goodness and lightness are it. It’s no big event to the intellect. Yet its recognition and acknowledgement is the most brimming understanding anyone will ever acquire— and the heart knows this is so. Suddenly everything is a all right.” -William Samuel
Read: On Meeting William Samuel -by John Bailey -Author - Already On Holy Ground

Review by John Lamenzo
November 17, 2014 at 8:03am · Amazon
I recently came into contact with the writings of an American 'hidden one' who as I discovered is not hidden at all. I speak of William Samuel. I just completed my first reading of 'Awareness and Tranquility' ...absolutely riveting! William Samuel, as I discovered, sat with Ramana Maharshi in 1942, the first American to do so. For those interested in unadulterated, 'core-splitting honest' non-duality, Samuel's work ranks as some of the best I have encountered. I'd like to thank Sandy Jones for her stewardship of Samuel's work, and our wonderful conversations. I strongly suggest that those seriously interested in 'ALL-ness', spend some quiet time with William Samuel.
- John Lamenzo -

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